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Vacation Care

Eaton Street Centre runs Vacation Care in all NSW government school holiday periods. Our aim is to create a fun and interesting program that gives the children a variety of experiences, while also having time to recuperate from the school term. Our educators endeavour to provide for individual and group interests and build lasting relationships with our children and families.

Sun Safety

Throughout the vacation care program, sun protection is high on the list of priorities.

It is planned and will be executed as such:

  • Every child will be enforced to wear a hat.

  • On incursions and excursions, sunscreen will be indefinitely available.

  • The children will be required to apply and then re-apply sunscreen every 2 hours in most circumstances.

  • For activities where water will be involved, the children will be required to apply and then re-apply sunscreen every hour. 


To maintain these expectations, there will be specified breaks during the day, at these 1 - 2 hour intervals, to collaboratively ensure all children have undertaken the necessary steps of sun protection.

The June/July Vacation care period will operate from Monday the 28th of June to Monday the 12th of July. School resumes Tuesday the 13th of July following the Pupil Free Day.


Bookings will open on Friday the 31st of May at 9am.

You can book in through the My Family Lounge and app.

Junior Vacation Care Program

Senior Vacation Care Program

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries at:


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